Work with Me

Ignite the light within, creating a career & life of purpose and passion.

Do you feel like no matter how strong of a front you display on the surface, behind it all, you constantly feel lost, overwhelmed, and worried that you aren’t living up to your fullest potential?

I spent most of my life trying to live up to other people’s expectations. Living a life full of “shoulds” and “if onlys”. Working through trying to keep my head above water, trying to make money, find romance, and practice self-care. The result was no money, bad relationships, and a plethora of health issues. I decided I had enough and embarked on a journey to find myself. Guess what? I was still playing it safe, not finding what I was looking for.

Then I said enough!

I decided to surrender fully, releasing all the old thinking and behaving. I found my voice, renewed my mind, and began creating a life with purpose and passion!

Through my coaching, I empower you to unlock your full potential and discover your next breakthrough career move. Together, we explore the depths of your inner self, uncovering your unique essence and purpose. We work towards creating a vision that excites you, one that offers limitless opportunities for financial success. In this transformative journey, you will learn the art of surrendering and placing unwavering trust in your inner voice, allowing you to hear your true calling and passion. Collaboratively, we identify and let go of old thought patterns and behaviors that hold you back, clearing the path for personal and professional growth. This process enables you to create the life of your dreams, where your aspirations become a reality.

Get ready to learn the proven-to-work strategies that will accelerate your goals so you can finally drop the distractions and beliefs that are keeping you stuck. After spending 20 years in the field of psychology as a trauma specialist, I helped clients overcome the unthinkable and thrive beyond their circumstances. My mentorship and holistic approach to success are structured to support you in reaching your fullest potential creating a business where you stop trading time for money and earn your worth.

Working with me you will:

  • Identify the Dream
  • Drop the distractions and get connected to desires.
  • Remove the limiting beliefs and fears that are keeping you stuck.
  • Renew the mind, creating a mindset for growth.
  • Get paid to be you, and identify your gifts and talents in creating a business you love.
  • Learn and implement business-building strategies.
  • Establish effective systems and structures to support business growth.
  • Learn and Love how to market yourself.
  • Overcome the fear of being visible.

By shedding what no longer serves them, my clients reclaim their time freedom. They gain crystal-clear clarity in their wants by rewriting their internal narratives, eliminating self-defeating beliefs, and cultivating a mindset of growth. With unwavering focus and intention, they propel themselves forward, creating a business they are passionate about.

It is time to break free from the cycle of uncertainty, to stop spinning the hamster wheel of life, and to seize what lies ahead. The moment to take action is now. Together, let us embark on this transformative journey and claim the life that awaits you!

Discovery Call

30 mins | Free

Not sure what offering is best for you, let’s get on a call. Discovery calls are free and will help you decide what level you need to reach your goals. Through the transformative power and personalized guidance with my professional coaching services I am committed to empowering and supporting you on your life journey.

Private Coaching

Private Coaching 90-day Package includes:

  • 2-hour intensive to get clear on your goals
  • (12) one-hour Zoom sessions
  • Email and text access as needed to support your sessions.
  • Recordings of sessions to have for review and reference
  • Homework assignments will help facilitate your further growth.

Investment: $5000

New Clients receive 10% discount on packages. Payment plan available upon request

One Day Intensives

Ready to kick start your journey?
Then my one day intensive is for you!

In Person

Spend a day in NYC with me jump starting your journey in the most inspiring city in the world. By the end of this day you will be inspired, and motivated.

You will leave with clarity and laser focus on the next steps for your life. Together we will create a blue print with action items that foster real results!

Intensive days are accompanied with a strategy call prior to the BIG event along with two follow-up accountability calls to track your progress.

My in-person New York Day Includes:

  • A luxury lunch at one of Chef Giuseppe Bruno’s restaurants considered to be among New York’s finest.
  • A walk in the beautiful Central Park
  • End the day with a visit to the Met to grasp a beautiful view of the city from its famous rooftop (depending on hours of the Met and cooperation of the weather)

Investment: $3200.00


Not able to travel? No problem! We can meet virtually. We will spend four hours via zoom right from the comfort of your home. You will jump start your journey and end this call feeling inspired and having clarity for what’s next in your life. You will leave with a blueprint for how to move forward and action items to get you the results you have been looking for.

My Intensive day comes with one preliminary call to allow me to plan our day for the most impact for you. You will then receive two follow-up calls to check you progress. Accountability and consistency is key!

Investment: $1900.00

Interested in a One Day Intensive?


I began working with Sharon as I started thinking about my retirement from my corporate job and designing the next chapter of my life. Her thoughtful questions led me to discover areas of passion in my life that I could transform into a fulfilling and rewarding second half of my life career. She continued to help me process the thoughts and unknowns of retirement and helped me find clarity in the direction I wanted to take. As women, I think we overthink our decisions, but working with Sharon helped me to create some action steps to achieve the goals I had for myself and not worry about all the “what ifs”. We all have dreams, Sharon helps those dreams become reality.

Kay, Entrepreneur & Women in Biz Enthusiast

After my PTSD diagnosis, Sharon’s unwavering support and compassionate guidance became the foundation of my recovery, fostering resilience and strength within me. She believed in me and saw the light through the clouds, even when I couldn’t see it myself. Today, as a successful mother, devoted wife, passionate teacher, and PhD student researching music and the brain, I owe much of my transformation to Sharon’s incredible mentorship. Her belief in my potential never wavered, empowering me to pursue my dreams with renewed vigor. Sharon helped me transform from struggling to thriving in multiple roles, each bringing immense joy and fulfillment. Her exceptional skills, compassionate approach, and biblical wisdom have made an indelible impact on my life. I am thankful God put her on my path to light the way towards my purpose.


Sharon’s insightful guidance has had a profoundly positive impact on my growth and success, both personally and professionally. Her ability to enhance my communication skills has improved my effectiveness and expanded my influence. Her support has been invaluable in helping me achieve my aspirations.

April, VP of Sales

Sharon’s empowering guidance played a pivotal role in instilling me with the confidence and motivation needed to tackle daunting endeavors. Through her unwavering trustworthiness, Sharon created a safe and supportive environment where I felt comfortable pushing my boundaries and exploring new possibilities.

She skillfully imparted valuable knowledge and insights, equipping me with the necessary tools to navigate challenges and overcome obstacles. By fostering a growth mindset and encouraging a belief in my own abilities, Sharon empowered me to embrace my potential and take bold steps toward my goals. Her unwavering confidence in my capabilities served as a constant source of inspiration, fueling my determination to pursue my dreams despite any initial fears or doubts.

With Sharon’s guidance, I was able to develop a newfound resilience and a willingness to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. This empowerment paved the way for me to embark on transformative journeys, pushing my limits and achieving remarkable personal and professional growth.

Karla, Creative Genius, Barber & Artist