Dreams to Desire
One of my dreams is coming true.
I’ve always had the dream of being published by one of New York’s publishing houses.
It has happened that I have been signed as an Indie writer!
Didn’t know I could write? Guess what? Neither did I.
That’s what “God Made me Sassy” is all about!
It is a story of coming back, overcoming and thriving beyond what you could ever imagine.
Did you know at 26 I suffered a stroke and was told I would never walk again?
I was told I would not function beyond that of a third grader. This is just one of the hurdles in my life.
Had I accepted this as my truth, absorbed those words into my being I would not be here today.
I had to see beyond my circumstances and fully believe I would walk again.
This is where most people get stuck, never try or give up and usually quit right before the payoff!
There’s a reason life has been confusing, stressful, slow and anything but what you’ve always dreamed of! Rest assured, you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.
Nobody taught you how to find your superpower within living your authentic self, being spiritually aligned.
No one instructed you on how to be in charge of your life, and no one dared to reveal the truth. Instead, they convinced you of a lot of other ideas…
Like, that you’re “not worthy” of true love or big money or both at the same time. That your dreams are “unrealistic,” and that you “don’t have what it takes” to get the book deal, drive the fancy car or make that big of a difference in the world.
Lies! Straight up: somewhere around the age of 5, you were imprinted upon. Your family, religion and society literally programmed you to function unconsciously based on their (also mostly unconscious) beliefs and values.
You might be shocked (in a good way) to learn the real reasons why you’ve been held back or stuck sitting on the side lines. But no worries!
You no longer have to be stuck in default mode when it comes to your career, your love life, your lifestyle, and happiness.
The dreams come to light after flipping the script on the past.
The greatest gift I can give you is to recommend getting a pen, a journal and get ready to write your truth.
Through my journaling I realized I was buried in lies listening to the voice of others over His.
I share my stories to illustrate the critical state having faith and hope. Hope becomes desire when the rewriting begins.
Like Lazerus God has called me out of my tomb into the light.
What is he calling you to?
Dreams become desires when they are rooted in truth.