Stop Trying, Surrender

Stop Trying, Surrender

In our fast-paced and achievement-oriented society, the concept of surrender is often seen as a sign of weakness or defeat. We are constantly encouraged to strive for success, to push ourselves beyond our limits, and to never give up. However, there is great wisdom in the ancient philosophy of surrender, which teaches us that sometimes, the most powerful action we can take is to let go.

Surrender does not mean giving up or abandoning our goals and dreams. It is not a passive act of resignation but rather an active choice to release our attachment to outcomes and to trust in a higher power or the natural flow of life. It requires a deep sense of humility and a willingness to surrender our ego-driven desires and expectations.

When we constantly strive and try to control every aspect of our lives, we often find ourselves exhausted, stressed, and disconnected from our true selves. We become trapped in a cycle of endless striving, always chasing after the next achievement or milestone. But in the pursuit of success, we may lose sight of what truly matters – our well-being, our relationships, and our inner peace.

Surrendering is an invitation to let go of our need for control and to embrace the present moment. It is an invitation to trust in the wisdom of the universe and to have faith that everything is unfolding exactly as it should. When we surrender, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities that we may have never considered before. We allow ourselves to be guided by intuition and to flow with the natural rhythm of life.

Surrendering also requires us to face our fears and confront the aspects of ourselves that we may have been avoiding. It requires us to let go of our attachments to our past failures and disappointments and to embrace the lessons and growth that they have brought us. In surrendering, we find the strength to forgive ourselves and others and to release any resentments or grudges that may be holding us back.

With my move to New York a year ago, It was not mere chance but rather a fortuitous alignment of circumstances that led me to land on Lexington Avenue in the bustling city of Manhattan, New York. I nearly missed this opportunity, as I was hesitant to let go of the familiar comforts of New Orleans. However, it is often said that the divine intervenes in our lives to disrupt our complacency and compel us to relinquish our grip on the past. And so, surrendering to the uncertainty of the unknown, I embraced the myriad challenges that awaited me in the concrete jungle of Manhattan. It was amidst these trials and tribulations that I discovered my true purpose and calling. My life continues to unfold as my surrender requires daily practice and focus with intention. This keeps me centered with awareness and openness to receive what is next in my life.

In my journey through life, embracing change, renewal, and openness to what lies ahead has not always come naturally. There were times when I clung stubbornly to the familiar, fearing the unknown and desperately trying to manipulate my surroundings. However, I soon discovered that my efforts to maintain control only exacerbated the situation. In an attempt to conceal my errors, I would inadvertently make more mistakes, digging myself into a deeper hole. This misguided approach extended beyond personal blunders, infiltrating my relationships and financial choices, among other areas.

By surrendering, we create space for miracles and unexpected blessings to enter our lives. When we let go of our need for control, we allow the universe to work its magic in ways that we could never have imagined. We open ourselves up to receive guidance and support from sources beyond our own limited understanding.

Our society may value relentless striving and the never-ending pursuit of success; there is great wisdom in the philosophy of surrender. Surrendering is not a sign of weakness but rather a courageous act of trust and humility. It invites us to let go of our need for control and to embrace the present moment. By surrendering, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, growth, and unexpected blessings. So, let us stop trying and surrender, for in surrendering, we may find the true peace and fulfillment that we have been seeking all along.

Read my story in my book, God Made Me Sassy…Then He Taught Me Grace in presale now.

Take a few minutes to follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

I look forward to connecting.


I am My Fathers Daughter

I am My Fathers Daughter

My dad was a very stoic man and those that did not know him found themselves quite intimidated. His quiet and stern appearance was downright frightening to many. I would have to say he could be scary but his young girl did get to see an abundance of joy in him as well. He liked to play and laugh with us in those early days. I recall one Mardi Gras his joining in the fun with my mom’s costuming as a family bringing the fairy tale of little red riding hood to life. He was a good sport with this despite his overall dislike of the carnival season. His experience was probably tainted from serving as a New Orleans police officer. My dad’s overall authoritarian style of parenting was probably established somewhat through his experiences as a police officer and prior to that a military police officer. As I stated earlier our lives are created by our own experiences and the experiences of others.

There are some other things I need to mention about my dad. As I look back I realize I am more like my dad than my mom. I did get to experience being daddy’s little girl for a period of time. Witnessing his dedication, loyalty and integrity, watching him make life decisions for his family, standing firm in what he believes in and as a result, I learned important principles needed to succeed in life. I also learned through many painful lessons each positive trait has an underbelly. This would be where most of my conflict over the years would come in. See, the other side of dedication, loyalty, and integrity is stubbornness, strictness and inflexibility. I grew up in a black and white world where thinking, or daring to live outside the box, was unacceptable.

My dad was also the oldest of five siblings in a family that came from humble means. His parents were entrepreneurs that owned a famous Poorboy shop in the city of New Orleans. I never heard any bad stories of his upbringing. In actuality his childhood sounded exciting and adventurous. I have to remember that my dad was also not very vocal so I guess sharing stories, though he did, were few and far between. My dad being the oldest I’m certain came with some responsibility. According to Adler’s theory of birth order, first born children have characteristics of being authoritarian, or a strict feeling of a need for power or authority. Sound familiar? His growing up in a small house with so many people I am certain played in his drive to have more and be able to offer more. He left the police force to receive his college degree, the second in his family to go to college. He would have been the first except his love and dedication to his country called him in another direction. Another family trait he would pass on to me. When passionate about something you have to support being redirected changing the course of your life. As I grew I would take this a step further in following my passions and pursuing my dream.

So I was opposite in birth order from my dad as the only girl and baby. The characteristics that I innately had along with those that were nurtured were my dependency and being controlled. The reinforcement was that I couldn’t do things on my own. The similarities between my dad and me would be my loyalty and making decisions based on the needs of others. In contrast, the personality traits between my dad and me that were completely opposite were my striving for independence and being a bit of a risk taker. In my upbringing, taking risks was unheard of. What was taught was mitigating risk, eliminating them at all cost. As for independence I was taught girls didn’t need this nor did they need to aspire to reach this. I was taught men will always have authority, and the needs of boys are different and more important. I would spend much of my life feeling shut down or fighting against these concepts. Later I would refuse to accept no and display all that sass!

That sass too would need to be nurtured and shaped for good. Probably the greatest formation and dedication of this was working against the grain to find my purpose and my passion over what I was supposed to do. This journey was not without failure and catastrophic events. I did however through this, master living in the applied world over theory. What I mean by this is I didn’t only absorb the knowledge that I learned in both the classroom and life, I learned how to use it. This is one of the important skills in becoming successful in any venture in life. This application will help overcome the other 30 reasons people fail in life as identified in Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. I myself through discoveries ( often referred to as mistakes) have learned to master almost all of those reasons. I am a constant work in progress and I often say, God is not done with me yet!

If you are stuck on the hamster wheel or dissatisfied with life, seek more inspiration. You can also read more of my story in my book, God Made Me Sassy…Then He Taught Me Grace in presale now.

Take a few minutes to follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

I look forward to connecting.


Dreams to Desire

Dreams to Desire

​One of my dreams is coming true.

I’ve always had the dream of being published by one of New York’s publishing houses.

It has happened that I have been signed as an Indie writer!

Didn’t know I could write? Guess what? Neither did I.

That’s what “God Made me Sassy” is all about!

It is a story of coming back, overcoming and thriving beyond what you could ever imagine.

Did you know at 26 I suffered a stroke and was told I would never walk again?

I was told I would not function  beyond that of a third grader. This is just one of the hurdles in my life.

Had I accepted this as my truth, absorbed those words into my being I would not be here today.
I had to see beyond my circumstances and fully believe I would walk again.

This is where most people get stuck, never try or give up and usually quit right before the payoff!
There’s a reason life has been confusing, stressful, slow and anything but what you’ve always dreamed  of! Rest assured, you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.

Nobody taught you how to find your superpower within living your authentic self, being spiritually aligned.

No one instructed you on how to be in charge of your life, and no one dared to reveal the truth. Instead, they convinced you of a lot of other ideas…

Like, that you’re “not worthy” of true love or big money or both at the same time. That your dreams are “unrealistic,” and that you “don’t have what it takes” to get the book deal, drive the fancy car  or make that big of a difference in the world.

Lies!  Straight up: somewhere around the age of 5, you were imprinted upon. Your family, religion and society literally programmed you to function unconsciously based on their (also mostly unconscious) beliefs and values.

You might be shocked (in a good way) to learn the real reasons why you’ve been held back or stuck sitting on the side lines. But no worries!
You no longer have to be stuck in default mode when it comes to your career, your love life, your lifestyle, and happiness.

The dreams come to light after flipping the script on the past.

The greatest gift I can give you is to recommend getting a pen, a  journal and get ready to write your truth.

Through my journaling I realized I was buried in lies listening to the voice of others over His.
I share my stories to illustrate the critical state having faith and hope. Hope becomes desire when the rewriting begins.

Like Lazerus God has called me out of my tomb into the light.

What is he calling you to?

Dreams become desires when they are rooted in truth.


My Transition from Counseling to Coaching

Why I transitioned from Counseling to Coaching

​As a licensed professional Counselor, I recognize the need for therapy and its critical and powerful impact on one’s life. Therapy is a way of working with patients suffering from different mental health disorders—these range from anxiety, depression, and PTSD, among others.

Therapists work with patients to heal, cope, and return to a functioning baseline. Learning strategies and exploring emotions and behaviors are at the center of the therapeutic relationship.Coaching is different in that it focuses on highly specific goals depending on the client’s needs.

As a transformational/mindset coach, I work with clients’ thinking and behaviors that are preventing them from achieving goals or leveling up in areas of their lives. Often, these are rooted in the subconscious mind. 

This is where my secret sauce comes in. Through my clinical training, I am skilled at not only listening to what is being said but also hearing what is not!

For over 20 years as a trauma specialist, I have worked with victims of trauma to heal and move past the unthinkable. I use these skills today to identify faulty and limiting thinking, which is the root cause of preventing clients from getting the results they want in life. Coaching with a therapeutic style provides a safe, empathetic space for a journey that will produce real results. I have shifted into the coaching space to recognize individuals are abundantly more than a diagnosis or baseline of functioning. We are intended to grow beyond our wildest dreams and break through the glass ceilings in our lives like never before!

As a coach, I help women rewrite their scripts to live their Divine Purpose. I work with women who feel stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel. I will help you release your old mindset and renew your thinking. In your transformation, you will experience a changed life with clarity on your purpose and what’s next. By discovering your Divine Purpose, you can step into who you were created to be and live authentically in alignment, creating a spiritual path and learning to trust God’s voice. You will reclaim your time by removing what no longer serves you. With clarity, focus, and an intentional mindset, we rewrite your internal dialogue to remove self-defeating thinking, develop a growth mindset, and move forward.

Want to learn more? Schedule a free discovery call.
