Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian Devil

In my twenties, I experienced a profound lesson about living unapologetically! I often found myself on the offensive, desperately searching for my voice, which ultimately inflicted more harm upon myself and others. It was like watching a Tasmanian devil whirl through life like a hurricane, until everything came crashing down at the age of 26. This pivotal moment came in the form of a massive stroke, which left me completely paralyzed on my right side. Doctors informed me that I would never walk or live independently again, prompting me to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Each step of this journey humbled me in ways I had never anticipated, forcing me to relearn fundamental skills, starting from the basics. Mistakes were inevitable, yet they became invaluable blessings. The most significant blessing was the birth of my daughter; it became imperative for me to get things right this time. I had to dismantle everything I had previously learned and begin new applying the skills I Continuing my journey of self discovery, I was still listening to the rules and impressions of others, while trying to navigate life as a new single mother.

With my daughter as my motivation, I embraced a new perspective on life. I understood that living unapologetically didn’t mean bulldozing through life; it meant embracing vulnerability and authenticity. This journey also allowed me to cultivate my community and support system, focusing on the renewal of my mind and spirit.. I began to share my story openly, allowing others to see the raw, unfiltered version of myself. This honesty fostered connections that I had never experienced before, as I found solace in the shared struggles of others.

My community grew stronger, anchored by compassion and empathy. I learned to ask for help, and to be okay with not having all the answers. Together, we created a safe space where I could express my fears and frustrations without judgment.

As I continued to heal and grow, I also learned to appreciate the beauty in stillness—the moments of quiet reflection that allowed me to connect with my thoughts and emotions. I discovered mindfulness, which became a powerful tool in my life . Meditation and gentle movements became my allies, guiding me toward a deeper understanding of myself.

Through this journey, I realized that life is not about perfection but about progress. Each day presented its own set of challenges, yet with each setback, I found the strength to rise again. I became an advocate not only for myself but for others who felt voiceless. I started to share my experiences through writing, using my words to inspire and empower others facing their own battles.

Looking back, I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything. They shaped me into the person I am today—stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. I learned that living unapologetically is not about creating chaos but about embracing every facet of life, from the struggles to the triumphs, and using them to foster growth and connection. As I forge ahead, I carry this lesson close to my heart, ever grateful for the journey that brought me here.


A Vibrant Life

A Vibrant Life

From a young age, I envisioned a vibrant life filled with dreams that seemed to diverge yet held a common thread. I aspired to either perform on stage, play my beloved flute, or become a renowned zoologist like Jacques Cousteau, traveling the world and aiding my animal companions. Although these aspirations appeared to be opposites, they were both rooted in a deep passion for connection—whether through music or wildlife conservation. Unfortunately, I never received the encouragement or support needed to transform these dreams into reality. Instead, I often listened to the voices that told me what I should pursue—what was deemed responsible and safe.

Fast-forward thirty years, and I find myself living a life aligned with my aspirations. While I may not be performing at Madison Square Garden, I do take the stage as a motivational speaker. Although I am not traversing the plains of Africa, ….yet, I am actively contributing to and supporting several wildlife foundations. My dreams have not faded; they have evolved and nurtured, and their seeds have been sown.

As a published author, I am reaching out to many through my writing and coaching, creating a platform to serve others and make a significant impact in the world. The journey is far from over, and I am reminded that there is still more to accomplish. What about you? What dreams are you setting aside? What aspirations are waiting for you to embrace them?

Certainly, the journey of pursuing one’s dreams often involves both challenges and triumphs. It can be a path filled with self-discovery, where every twist and turn leads to new insights about what truly matters to us. In the case of my aspirations, I realized that while my original dreams of performing or working in zoology may not have materialized in the way I envisioned, they have influenced my current trajectory in meaningful ways.

For instance, the art of storytelling through motivational speaking allows me to connect with others, inspiring them to recognize and pursue their own dreams. This form of expression is akin to being on stage, where the energy and connection with the audience can be incredibly fulfilling. Similarly, my involvement with wildlife foundations reflects my enduring passion for animals and conservation, enabling me to contribute positively to causes I care deeply about.

This journey has highlighted the importance of adaptability. Dreams may evolve, but the essence of what we want to achieve often remains intact. The seeds of those early aspirations can sprout in unexpected ways, leading to opportunities we may never have anticipated.

Ultimately, this journey serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue our dreams. Life may lead us down different paths, but with perseverance and an open heart, we can still make a significant difference in the world and find fulfillment in our pursuits. What about your own journey? What dreams or passions sit within your heart?


How Time Flies

How Time Flies

I just came to realize that we’re halfway through the year. It still amazes me how fast time goes. I also recognize that I have not accomplished or met the milestones that I thought I would. I quickly begin to question my direction and wonder if I am on the right path. However, in that moment of doubt, I paused and took stock of everything I had accomplished so far.

Despite not reaching all of my intended goals, I have made significant progress in various areas of my life. I have developed new skills and gained valuable experiences that have shaped me into a better person. I have taken on challenges and overcome obstacles that I never thought possible.

As I reflect on my current situation and the path I need to pursue, I acknowledge the strategies that have proven successful, the ones that have fallen short, and the areas that require my utmost attention. Life presents us with unforeseen challenges and detours that can divert our attention.

That said, I have mastered taking control of my time and no longer trade time for money, which remains non-negotiable. I recognize that I’ve collapsed time and do things with different intentions and focus, and definitely at a different pace.

I find it amusing as I contemplate an upcoming adventure I have planned with my daughter. We are eagerly anticipating our visit to the cherished Walt Disney World. With excitement and planning, we love to watch the behind-the-scenes shows behind the attractions and their creation. We always delight in the exhilarating rides. It’s intriguing how, even on the roller coasters, I instinctively advise her to securely hold onto her belongings, as the twists and turns can easily lead to their misplacement. This occurrence is familiar to us all. It’s remarkable how life mirrors this pattern in many aspects. Just when we believe we have everything meticulously arranged, unexpected circumstances emerge and disrupt our experience. It is vital to remember to hold on like one would on a roller coaster. We may encounter turbulence along the way. However, when we’ve stayed present, intentional, and holding on with focus, we enjoy the ride through the highs and lows.

It is natural to feel disappointed when goals are not met; it is essential to acknowledge and celebrate the progress we have made. I use this moment of reflection to reevaluate my goals and adjust my plans accordingly. I will focus on what truly matters to me and prioritize my efforts to ensure I make the most of the remaining year. With renewed determination and a clearer sense of direction, I am ready to embrace the challenges ahead and continue striving for personal and professional fulfillment in my future.

Remember, it is never too late to redefine our goals and make the necessary changes to align ourselves with the life and person we dream of being.


Unfolding the Best Version of Yourself

Unfolding the Best Version of Yourself

In my 40s and 50s, I experienced a profound sense of transformation. It is a time of self-discovery and growth, whether we choose to embrace it or not. Eric Erickson, a renowned psychologist whom I studied at length in my professional journey, referred to this stage as “Generativity vs. Stagnation,” highlighting the importance of finding purpose and contributing to society.

As I navigate through this seventh stage of life, I have to admit I give a bit of an eye roll as my age group gradually descends to the bottom of the list. However, instead of dwelling on the passing years, I choose to fully embrace each one. With every year that goes by, I embrace the person I am confidently, knowing this is who I am meant to be.

I share countless stories of my journey to self-discovery in my 20s and 30s in my book “God Made Me Sassy” as I searched for my true identity. It wasn’t until I anchored myself into the role of a mother to my beautiful daughter that I began to find a sense of purpose. As the approach to my 40th birthday drew near, I welcomed it with excitement and enthusiasm. I recall Oprah herself promising that this would be the best decade yet. Perhaps she said that because she had not yet reached 50 herself.

Eric Erickson’s “Generativity vs. Stagnation” is the seventh stage of his psychosocial development theory. The stage begins at 40 and continues through 65, during which individuals focus on contributing to future generations and society. Generativity involves nurturing, mentoring, and making meaningful contributions. Stagnation refers to a lack of growth and fulfillment. Balancing generativity and avoiding stagnation is crucial for a fulfilling life.

Life in transition can be both exhilarating and challenging. As we enter this new phase of life, we often find ourselves navigating a multitude of changes and adjustments.

One of the most significant transitions is the shift in priorities. Particularly after 50 many of us start to reevaluate what truly matters to us. We may find ourselves focusing more on personal fulfillment, pursuing long-held passions, and cherishing meaningful relationships. This transition allows us to prioritize our own happiness and well-being, embracing new opportunities and experiences.

Another aspect of life in transition after 50 is the changing dynamics of work and career. Some of us may choose to continue working, exploring new avenues, or starting a second or even third career. Others may opt for a more flexible schedule or retirement, allowing us to pursue other interests and spend more time with loved ones. This shift in our professional lives offers a chance to redefine success and find fulfillment in different ways.

Life in transition is a time of growth, self-discovery, and adaptation. It presents us with the opportunity to redefine our priorities, explore new possibilities, and embrace the changes that come with age. While the journey may have its challenges, it is also a time of great potential and fulfillment. So, let’s embark on this new chapter with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace all that life has to offer.

Truthfully, I have found joy and challenges in every decade of my life. Now, as I knock on the door of 55, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. Each passing year brings me closer to that milestone of 60, and I welcome it with open arms. Today, I am truly free from the constraints and falsehoods of my past. I am comfortable in my own skin, embracing my true self, and living the life I was created to live.


Who & What

Who & What

Who? What? Why? When? Where? This is what we are taught growing up as the five essential concepts for a good paper. However, in life, there are two that are the most important to know about ourselves and what we are called to do to move forward in life. It is essential to know what we want and why we want it. Everything else requires trust and divine guidance in order to move forward. These questions delve into our understanding of ourselves and the purpose we serve, propelling us forward in life.

This was a common struggle for me during my youth and in my 20s. I found myself lost, unsure of who I truly was, and lacking a clear sense of direction for my future. Without this self-awareness, it became challenging to navigate through life and make informed decisions during this transformative period.

I vividly recall feeling envious of those who seemed to have it all figured out, with a clear sense of purpose and direction in their lives. Their certainty made me yearn for the same level of clarity and direction. However, my journey took a different course, resembling a game of “Chutes and Ladders” with unexpected twists and turns along the way.

Each step I took was an opportunity for self-discovery, and while it may have felt uncertain and challenging at times, it allowed me to uncover hidden talents, passions, and aspirations. Embracing the unexpected, I learned to adapt and find joy in the journey itself rather than solely focusing on reaching a specific destination.

Looking back, I now appreciate the unique path I traveled. It was through those twists and turns that I gained a deeper understanding of myself, my values, and what truly mattered to me. This self-discovery process not only shaped who I am today but also provided me with a strong foundation to chart a fulfilling and purposeful life moving forward.

In my 30s, which some might consider a late bloomer, I had a significant breakthrough in discovering my true self. This revelation came with the birth of my daughter, as becoming a parent brought forth a newfound sense of purpose and self-awareness. However, despite this profound personal growth, I found myself still operating under the influence of external expectations and following a path that didn’t align with my authentic self. As a result, I experienced feelings of frustration and overall dissatisfaction with my life.

This realization marked a turning point in my life. I began to question the choices I had made and the direction I was heading in. I recognized that I needed to align my actions and decisions with my true identity and values. It was a transformative process of introspection, self-reflection, and exploration.

As I delved deeper into understanding who I truly was, I discovered new passions, talents, and dreams that had long been buried beneath the surface. I embraced the idea that my journey was not just about being a mother but also about fulfilling my own potential and living a life that was true to myself.

Through this process of self-discovery, I not only found my own path but also gained the confidence and clarity to pursue it. I became aware of the power of authenticity and the importance of aligning my actions with my true desires and aspirations. This newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment not only benefited me but also allowed me to provide my daughter with a role model who was genuinely living her life to the fullest.

Today, in my 50s, I am firm and nonnegotiable. I truly understand the difference between joy and happiness, and by living in alignment, I can help not only my daughter but others elevate and step into their divine purpose. It all starts with answering the question what do I want, and why do I want it?


Never Give Up

Never Give Up

The words “never give in or give up” hold tremendous power in the face of adversity. They serve as a constant reminder of the importance of perseverance and resilience. These words encourage us to push through difficult times and keep moving forward, even when it feels easier to quit.

Life is full of challenges and setbacks. It is during these moments of struggle that our true strength and character are put to the test. It is natural to feel discouraged and tempted to give up when faced with adversity. However, it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to grow and learn. By persevering through challenges, we develop resilience and become stronger individuals.

Recently, I found myself in a state of stagnation and lacking motivation. Living with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, I have experienced physical exhaustion and setbacks. The negative thoughts in my mind can start to overwhelm me, filling my head with doubts and uncertainties. They threaten to plant the seed of doubt. However, I refuse to let these conditions define me. I am more than my health issues, and I am determined to live a life filled with hope, joy, and endless possibilities.

There are days when I need to take a step back and give myself permission to engage in self-care. These moments are not a sign of giving up; they are necessary for rest and reflection. It is important to listen to our bodies and take care of ourselves, but it is equally important to continue fighting for the life we desire.

Giving in or giving up means accepting defeat and settling for less than we deserve. It means relinquishing the opportunity for growth, learning, and achievement. It means allowing fear and doubt to dictate our actions rather than pushing through and pursuing our goals.

Amidst the frustrations and obstacles, I have learned to control my thoughts and find inner strength and resilience. I surround myself with a supportive community and fill my life with uplifting content. I immerse myself in the beauty around me, finding inspiration and joy in every aspect of life.

I have adopted a mindset of perseverance and determination. I understand that setbacks are temporary and merely moments of reflection on our journey toward success. Each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and learning. By persisting through difficulties, we develop new skills, gain wisdom, and become stronger individuals.

When I find myself in a state of pause, I take the time to rest and reflect. I reassess what is working, what is not, and what areas I need to focus on. It is a chance to tap into my creativity, learn from my experiences, and acquire new knowledge and skills that will propel me forward.

As I have shared in my writings, I have overcome more than just health issues. Life has a way of throwing unexpected obstacles my way, yet I have always managed to bounce back. It is in the process of overcoming that true growth occurs, more so than in the experience itself. These experiences shape us into stronger and wiser individuals.

As the “Comeback Kid,” I possess a unique perspective on life and the challenges it presents. It hasn’t always been this way. There were dark days and moments of despair. But as I have shifted my mindset and changed the way I view the world, I aspire to be a true inspiration. I have mastered the art of rising above adversity and emerging stronger. I look to God and the inner strength within me to overcome. When feeling low, I start with gratitude, surround myself with positive words, and find beauty in my surroundings to shift my perspective and live beyond my circumstances.
