Get Ready for Complete Transformation

Discovering your next breakthrough career move!

My Background

My mission is to inspire and empower women who are prepared to uncover their next breakthrough career move. I am dedicated to helping them achieve financial abundance and break free from the cycle of trading their valuable time for money. I encourage women to ignite the flame within them, infusing their work with passion and excitement, enabling them to live the life they were destined for. If you feel deep down that you are destined for greatness and are ready to turn the page on the past and embrace the next chapter of your life, I am here to guide you in elevating your life by creating and nurturing a career filled with purpose and fulfillment.

I have spent much of my life hiding and quieting my gifts and uniqueness, hoping to blend in. I gave up my dreams to live the life I thought I was supposed to, conforming and working by other people’s standards. I had to restart and redirect repeatedly. Starting over was sometimes due to catastrophic events outside my control, and at other times, it was because of my own life choices. I have mastered the art of starting again, earning me the nickname “the comeback kid.”

My greatest lesson was learning to release what I thought I was supposed to do, renewing my mind for growth, and leaning into my uniqueness, using my gifts and talents. Through this journey, I have created a career that lights me up, and that I am excited about. I have a business that aligns with who I was created to be. Living my purpose and passion, I now live life on my terms. I knew I was meant for more, and I believe you are, too. I have discovered my breakthrough career move and want to help you discover yours.

With over 20 years of experience in psychology and a Goldman Sachs alum, I have discovered that the only way to level up and move forward is to release the past, renew the mind for growth, and cultivate a plan of action. In my work transforming women’s careers. I have merged science, spirituality, and practical steps to facilitate progress. By blending valuable insights, inspiring anecdotes of unexpected triumphs, purposeful exercises, and thought-provoking journal prompts, I aim to assist individuals in relinquishing all forms of self-doubt and self-sabotage from the past, unleashing their full potential and creating a career and life they are passionate about.

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My Approach

My approach is to awaken the divine essence within women, unveiling their unique and unparalleled power. I am dedicated to fostering a vision for the future, cultivating it through self-awareness, the discovery of core values, and the alignment with one’s true self.

With unwavering focus and crystal-clear clarity, along with a spiritual connection, my clients propel themselves forward, surpassing the status quo to develop careers brimming with purpose and passion.

Improve your skill set, one step at a time.

My Services

Experience a life-changing transformation with my coaching services, workshops, retreats, and speaking engagements. Let me guide you on a journey of self-discovery and help you unleash your full potential. Together, we will turn your dreams into burning desires. You were meant for more, and I believe in your limitless potential. Get ready to ignite the light within and embark on a path of personal growth and fulfillment like never before.